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Housing Hub

Metro Housing’s primary resource is free and open to the public

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The Housing Hub (Housing Consumer Education Center/HCEC) is a clearinghouse for families that find themselves anywhere along the housing continuum, from homelessness to stably housed, to economically secure.

Housing Hub staff help families address crises, educate, and assist tenants and property owners, and respond to constituent issues reported by elected officials.


“HCEC provides a first line of assistance to families facing housing instability. Facing housing instability and homelessness is overwhelming for families, and through HCEC and the Resource Line, we help them navigate the sometimes complex housing system.”

GREGG COTHIAS, Managing Director of HCEC


Homeless and in a shelter, Tanisha achieved housing stability with the help of the Housing Hub. “I was stuck and not getting any help until I was referred to Metro Housing’s Housing Hub,” she says. “They helped me apply for RAFT and move into a new apartment. If not for them, I would have likely remained homeless."

The Housing Hub can assist families with:


Emergency Rental Assistance

The state-funded RAFT program is a tool used by the Housing Hub team to provide help to people with low incomes stay housed or move into their next home during periods of housing instability and crisis.


Housing Search

Housing Hub staff helps people navigate the housing system by assisting in obtaining the forms and documents that tenants need to apply for housing and making sure people understand their housing options moving forward.


Financial Workshops

Green Space is a financial literacy and coaching program for low- and moderate-income families and individuals in Greater Boston.  Green Space provides workshops and one-on-one financial coaching with no time limits, focusing on each participant’s financial priorities.



To make it easier for people to access resources, Housing Hub staff members operate regular office hours at multiple colocations across our region.


Information, Referral, and Case Management

Using an extended network of service providers, Housing Hub connects families with resources to assist them with their individual cases, including legal aid, shelters, and fair housing.

“I was stuck and not getting any help until I was referred to Metro Housing’s Housing Hub. They helped me apply for RAFT and move into a new apartment. If not for them, I would have likely remained homeless."

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