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Gina's Story

Homelessness to Home Ownership

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Gina is a proud homeowner and landlord in Boston, but her encounter with homelessness earlier in her life set her on a path to taking the lessons she learned earlier in her life to help others. And Metro Housing was there with the right program at the right time.

While living at a YMCA shelter with her four-year old daughter, Gina took advantage of programs offered by the Y to get a job. Employed, she qualified for a housing voucher and moved into her own apartment.


But Gina was not content with being a tenant. She bought a multifamily home after repairing her credit score and becoming more financially astute. As a homeowner, Gina never forgot about the help she received when she was homeless and wanted to pay it forward.


“As a landlord, I noticed that tenants were just barely getting by, and I remembered how it was for me when I was homeless. I wanted to make sure I offered a low rent that they can afford, according to their income.”


One such tenant that Gina helped was Brittany, a single mother, after she learned about programs at Metro Housing that could help.


“When I met Brittany, she was in a tough spot. She had just had a baby and really needed the support I saw the need and I wanted to give her the extra guidance and support at the same time. I did not collect rent from her for a year.”


Gina found out that Metro Housing helped landlords with tenants who are behind on rent through RAFT. “I called Metro Housing in tears. They walked me through the steps and explained the forms I would need. Through this help, Brittany was able to get current on her rent.”


“Working with Gina was amazing. It was very personal. I saw her more than a landlord because she didn’t judge me on my situation,” says Brittany. “She gave me a boost in confidence that I needed, letting me know that there are people out there that won’t give up on you.”


When Brittany needed to move into a larger apartment to meet the needs of her growing family, Metro Housing was again able to help her with move-in costs and furnishings through the RAFT program.


Gina is forever grateful for the help she was able to provide for Brittany.

“Things would have been so different without the help of Metro Housing. I am hopeful that my story will help educate other property owners about the programs available through Metro Housing and that they will use that information to help their tenants.”

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