Donor Spotlight
How did you first get involved with Metro Housing?
My father, Steven Rioff, was a founding member of the board of directors at Metro Housing|Boston. His service provided the substance that has bound and sustained Metro Housing’s commitment to ensure families will always have a place to call home. His passion for the mission encouraged his children – myself included – to get more involved and continue supporting safe, secure, and stable housing for residents in Greater Boston. My siblings and I continue to support the mission to this day.
Why do you enjoy supporting Metro Housing?
I believe that addressing housing instability is a fundamental challenge. Housing stability is a great point of leverage: with it, families and individuals feel safe and can pursue future economic opportunities. Finding and securing jobs, training, education, and finding routine and comfort, are all so closely tied to having a place to call home. At Metro Housing, families are given all the support they need to find housing stability and beyond.
What do you hope to accomplish through your philanthropy?
I hope that our support opens doors for people that were not given an easy path in life. Sometimes people are just unlucky. My family and I want to support those that spend their days supporting communities that need more advocacy. I’ve seen it in action at Metro Housing’s headquarters and it’s remarkable – a diverse community of people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families with the emotional support and professional advice of the Metro Housing staff.
What do you wish people knew about housing insecurity?
I wish people knew more about the extent of housing instability, and that it’s not going away without significant help from the private sector. COVID has produced, and is still producing, continued stress on the system and the sooner we can change one person’s life, or one family’s life, the sooner they can lift others up around them. Housing instability is not a problem to be addressed once a year or once every few years when you consider the ripple effect of providing current and ongoing support.